Most people have seen or heard of the program "The Biggest Loser" on TV. It's so easy to get involved (on television, of course) in the lives of these people, see them at their worst and the best, given the support they receive from family and friends, compete with other competitors ...

Have you ever thought your family to be the other competitors in a familiar game fitness and health? Who can lose the most inches of fat? Who can lose the most weight? Who can last longer with the exercise video that you've just bought (and is probably still in the film was sold?)

Do you think, perhaps, if the whole family were involved in some type of diet or fitness regimen that would be easier for you to lose the weight that they need to feel and look better? Would not it be easier not to put out the exercise, if there was someone with you?

Some of your family members do not need to be on a "diet", however, if the goal is to encourage healthy eating and build good eating habits, of course, this is something that the whole family can be involved in. Less food junk in the house (if the whole family is doing this, there should be a lot less junk food in the house!) is a good start to eat healthy. Would not it be easier for you, the adult, to stick to that healthy diet as you will not be seeing all the good things tasting (but bad for you), enter the mouths of children, or your spouse?

Would not it be easier to get a mile or two to walk in most days, if the spouse and / or children registered? Wow, a new thought, exercise and quality time with your family all in one shot! Does not that sound nice? Walking probably would not even feel like exercise would be much more fun.

TIP - Just because you walk does not mean that the boys have a ...

My kids sometimes bring their skateboards with them and drive all the little dips and curves in our neighborhood as I walked. They were always in sight, we talked, and had the opportunity to show off their skills (I can say that sometimes scares the living you-know-what out of me with the jumps and turns showed me?) On another note , when he joined me with their skateboards, they always wanted to take the paths that have had the greatest number of valleys, hills, twists and turns. I can tell you how much more of a workout got my legs with more ups and downs than up to the curb! Think treadmill with a constant up and down tilt! Football and legs have GREAT workouts on those walks! Hey, your children probably bicycles, skates, scooters ... Need I say more?

It 'also a great opportunity to spend more time with your spouse. If you need to lose weight or not, exercise is always an advantage. Those walks could be a great time to talk about what's going to work, to school, to catch up with what's going on with the family, or perhaps talking about the new vacation spot that you want to visit this year. Be creative and sometimes make your walks away from the neighborhood!

Make a date and visit the beach early in the morning (or right at sunset). Roll up your sleeves and take off your pants sneakers! Hold hands with your spouse and take a short walk along the waters, and instantly feel the tension and stress melt away from both. Walking on the beach sand is great exercise for the whole body as you are constantly moving the muscles to compensate for moving the sand beneath your feet. An added benefit is that salt water is good for any cuts or wounds that may have on your feet.

Maybe you do not live near the beach ... How about a pond, a lake, a river or in the woods? You do not have a local park with a walking trail? How about a bike park? Motorcycle riding is another great way to exercise, have fun and spend time with your partner or children. Instead of going to the local mall to showcase, plan on a power walk instead ... (Department stores such as Wal-Mart are often open twenty-four hours, or have extended hours - are well lit, have great walking surfaces, and there are things to look at while you're taking a walk around the store)

Shopping centers are another great place to visit to get some variety in the planning distance. So are schools, libraries, large, and sports fields. The children and their spouses are more likely to continue to join you when you keep things fresh, and to be honest, you will be more interested and enjoy yourself more. I've said it before, but I have to say it again. Eating right is easier when the whole family is on the same system, aka healthy eating! And

The exercise will be much more fun and rewarding when you add the family into the mix. You will spend more quality time with them, build muscle and lose weight at the same time. It almost can not get better than that!

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