Today I wanted to share with you some ways to increase your metabolic rate. Metabolism is essentially the speed with which the body uses 'energy'. If you have a higher metabolism or 'speed' metabolic 'and then' Billy Bob ', for example, means that the body uses more energy then Billy Bob to maintain itself.

Have a Super Duper fast metabolism is one of the key factors that determine the success of your weight loss journey. We want to create a body that is 'high maintenance' - in other words, a body that burns through a lot of energy every single day. How do we do that? "I'll show you ..."

There are a number of factors that contribute to a rapid metabolism. I have described in detail below ...

Eating often

It 'important to eat something every 2-3 hours of your day. Our digestive system has been designed to digest smaller portions on a regular basis.

Most of us these days have 2-3 times a day when food cram down our throats and pack as much in as possible. Come on, you know it's true. When we do this we feel 'stuffed', lethargic and bogs down our digestive system which slows digestion and can also cause indigestion and reflux. It is not a good sign. When working 'with' the body instead of against it, you will be healthier, happier and thinner. Eat something every 2-3 hours! :)

Eat breakfast

Do you eat breakfast? How many times a week would you say you eat for breakfast? Eating breakfast is important.

You just sleep, your digestive system has been without any food in the process for 8, 10 even 12 hours! Need something to eat at this point, even if you do not feel like it. "But Daniel - I can not have breakfast, it hurts." This is an example of what I like to call an 'excuse'. However, I understand that for many of you who do not eat breakfast, getting the habit can be difficult. Here's a tip for you ... eat something, no matter how small. It could be a square of a salted biscuit, or a stick of celery smalll, I do not care too much what you have, but they have something. This will often be enough to get your metabolism started for the day, but not too much to make you sick. If you do not have breakfast, the metabolism is not fully operational until later. Therefore, just to have something to start it is a great idea. After trying this a few times you will begin to notice that you start and feel hungry in the morning and then my friends, you have just formed a new habit. :)

Regular exercise and Workouts

I'm sure this is not news to you, but exercise is vital to weight loss. Nutrition stages for successful weight loss and exercise makes use of it.

That's how I came to watch. You'll want to exercise at least 4-5 days a week, but ideally 6-7 days a week. Each time the workout should be between 20-60 minutes per day, although this depends on the type of activity you are doing and intensity. There is substantial evidence to suggest that you need to have rest days in your training program. This of course is a bit 'different for an Olympic athlete for example, but for all our intents and purposes and with the focus of burning body fat, "Days Off" are not necessary for most people.

Keeping active

Hmm, hard and exhausting the stairs or the elevator peaceful and easy? Let's try again ...

The elevator or stairs lazy people active people? I'm talking about mentality. Think of yourself as aa an active person and look for ways to keep active in your daily life. Do not just go for the easiest option. And please do not sit in the car chasing people at the mall while walking to their cars, just so you can get in a park near the door! Take the opportunity to park further away and walk to the door, your life and your well being with you thank you for this. :)

Eat Before Bed Time

Eat something light before going to bed can be a great metabolism BOOSTER!

This will help keep your digestive system ticking away while you sleep and you're likely to find that when you wake up really hungry - great for those who struggle to make breakfast. PS: The digestive system does not stop when you sleep, it slows down, but it certainly does not stop. Ok guys, I spilled my guts today, so it's best to stop as I can feel the fusion keyboard keys!

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