Want to stubborn fat fast and easy? Here are 7 ways to get a lower percentage of body fat starting today!

1. Eliminate these foods: bad fats (trans fat and saturated fat), salty foods and processed foods. Eating too much of these foods is a sure way to put on pounds of fat and also cause many problems for general health.

2. The Meal: Out of everything you do during the day, the most important thing should be to eat a smart breakfast. What I recommend for you to do is to eat a breakfast that is high in complex carbohydrates and protein. Eat a picnic lunch with the nutrients jump-start your metabolism for the day.

3. Eat a lot: One way you can keep your metabolism running fast throughout the day and help improve your digestive system is to eat several small during the day. I recommend at least 4-5 meals a day for best results.

4. Eat often: if you eat more meals, a key to making this effective is to eat frequently throughout the day. What I recommend is to have a small every 2-3 hours.

5. Lower simple carbohydrates: Most people think that all carbs are bad ... and this is not just the case. The type of carbohydrates you should avoid as much as possible is bad carbs ... better known as sugar! The type of carbohydrates you need is complex carbohydrates (fiber).

6. SUPER SECRET TIP: This tip will certainly help to get rid of stubborn fat fast and will help with a common problem: the desire to Late Night! What I want to do for you to reduce cravings late at night and also help speed up fat loss is to do a quick 5-10 minute body weight interval training (eg 5 push-ups, 5 squats, jumping -10 jack, etc.) in the evening!

7. Reduce Calories Towards the end of the day: It 'important to get an adequate amount of calories for breakfast, but after that, what I recommend for you to deal with every meal going forward is to reduce calories slightly leader in the' last meal of the day. Eat less in the evening will increase your metabolism while you doze.

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